Our Insights

Surfing the Waves of Market Volatility


Rincon Surfer


Next weekend, Tim and I, partners at Members' Wealth, are embarking on an exciting adventure with our daughters. At their request, we're going beach camping and surfing in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It’s a special trip, especially since Tim’s daughter introduced mine to surfing a few summers ago. They've both caught the surf bug after attending surf camp, and now they’re eager to ride the waves again.

While neither Tim nor I surf, we agreed to the trip and sought more experienced lessons for our daughters to help them improve (and be safe!). As for us, we’re searching for the kind of "old man, never done it, keep us off YouTube" lessons that will likely end with ibuprofen and coffee while we watch our young, nimble daughters. Lesson – never to old to learn (Ugh, do we always have to lead by example?)

Tim and I plan to use the trip to help encourage growth in our daughters. With our kids at least, risk-taking doesn’t always have to be encouraged, it comes naturally. But we promote preparing for the uncertainty of outcome as a valuable education. We also help them to embrace constantly seeking others to help make them stronger through education and lessons. Never surf alone, calm is just the time between waves, etc.

This surfing trip coincides with some "epic" market volatility we've been experiencing lately. While our daughters are eagerly anticipating waves, I’m aware that most of our investors would prefer a calm market during this high vacation season. It would be nice if the market could stay calm until September so August travelers could enjoy their month in peace. However, just as surfers dislike calm seas, long-term investors should embrace market volatility. We certainly do but like leading by example in never being too old to learn, it does not mean the embracement of volatility is comfortable.

At Members' Wealth, we prepare for selloffs and volatility with a well-rehearsed panic playbook. (or is it a don’t panic playbook?) Our team has weathered market mayhem before, and we’re ready to rebalance portfolios to take advantage of volatility. Each of us has our own behavioral biases, but our collective approach helps us overcome these and execute strategies that best serve each of our individual client’s needs.

Whether it’s maintaining the course (this can be a BIG win for most investors), trimming at-risk positions, reducing hedges, or opportunistically buying quality assets that have declined (not for everyone but falls in line with one of our mantras, that you make the most money in a bear market, you just don’t know it at the time), our team is prepared. Just as our daughters will improve their surfing skills with lessons, we continuously refine our strategies and educate our investors on how to best seek to navigate market waves.

If you’re uncomfortable with recent market fluctuations, you’re not alone. We’re here to help you make informed decisions and optimize your portfolio during these times. Embracing volatility, like catching a perfect wave, can be beneficial for long-term investors. We have been patient throughout the calm and now are ready to take what the ocean and market throws at us.

Feel free to reach out to us at Members' Wealth. We’re here to guide you through the market’s ups and downs, just as we’ll be there to support our daughters as they ride the waves this weekend.


About the Author – Dane Czaplicki, CFA®

Dane Czaplicki is CEO of Members’ Wealth, a boutique wealth management firm that offers a comprehensive approach to serving individuals, families, business owners, and institutions. The firm’s goal is to preserve and grow its clients’ wealth to endure over time, while thoughtfully evolving its strategy to suit an ever-changing world. With over 20 years of wealth management experience, Dane and the Members' Wealth team thrive on bringing clarity and confidence to clients' unique situations. He believes everyone needs sound financial advice from someone whose interests are aligned with theirs, and is determined to put service before all else.

Dane received his MBA from The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and his bachelor’s degree from Bloomsburg University. Outside work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, hiking and camping, reading, running, and playing with his dog. To learn more about Dane, connect with him on LinkedIn.

To get in touch with the Members’ Wealth team today, I invite you to email info@memberswealthllc.com or call (267) 367-5453. 

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