Our Insights

Members' MyPlan: A Comprehensive Document for Your Financial Life

Members' MyPlan: A Comprehensive Document for Your Financial Life

A written financial plan is an important document when it comes to understanding and building your future. At Members' Wealth, we've created a comprehensive planning document, the Members' MyPlan.

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Success in Investing

Success in Investing

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Decision to Hire an Advisor

Decision to Hire an Advisor

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Quarterly Newsletter

Quarterly Newsletter

Members' Wealth Quarterly Update | Q2 2023

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Online Estate Planning versus sitting down with an Attorney

Online Estate Planning versus sitting down with an Attorney

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Running Down a Dream

Running Down a Dream

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Our Investment Process: Custom Portfolios and Purpose-Driven Rebalancing

Our Investment Process: Custom Portfolios and Purpose-Driven Rebalancing

The investment approach at Members' Wealth is focused on being simple. A simple investment philosophy, a simple investment process, and a simple feedback monitoring system.

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Meet the Members of Members' Wealth

Meet the Members of Members' Wealth

It all just makes sense—an inclusive and diverse wealth management firm providing comprehensive planning for financial, estate, business, and tax services customized for each client.

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Why I Work Here: Marie Feindt, J.D.

Why I Work Here: Marie Feindt, J.D.

It all just makes sense—an inclusive and diverse wealth management firm providing comprehensive planning for financial, estate, business, and tax services customized for each client.

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Why I Made the Decision to Join Members' Wealth

Why I Made the Decision to Join Members' Wealth

I believe in our laser focus on client service, shared values, and shared prosperity. We are driven by a passion for helping clients achieve their financial goals on their terms.

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