Our Insights

Not too Hot, Not too Cold…Just Right?


3 bears


The Federal Reserve seems content with their porridge.

This past week’s Federal Reserve Open Market Committee's March meeting confirmed insights that shape our investment strategies and outlook here at Members’ Wealth. As the Committee maintained the Fed funds range at 5.25-5.50%, echoing a stance of cautious optimism amidst evolving economic conditions, it's imperative for investors to understand the nuanced dynamics at play and why we have them positioned the way we do. Let's delve into the implications of the Federal Reserve's actions (or inaction) and economic projections for your investment landscape.

The Federal Reserve's March Meeting: A Synopsis

  • Steady Interest Rates: The decision to keep the Fed funds rate unchanged, with no dissenting opinions, underscores a deliberate approach to balancing economic growth against inflationary pressures. This move, widely anticipated by the Fed funds futures markets, reflects confidence in the current policy stance to navigate the economic landscape effectively.
  • Economic Growth and Divergence: The Federal Reserve's updated Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) paints a picture of an economy humming along robustly, albeit with industry-specific divergences. Notably, the manufacturing sector has contracted, while services expand, highlighting the complexities within the economic recovery. Upgraded GDP growth estimates signal an optimistic outlook, reinforcing expectations of a 'soft landing' or ‘no landing” scenario as some like to call it.
  • Inflation Trends: Despite a general improvement in inflation metrics from their peak in summer 2022, the persistence of modestly elevated levels relative to the Fed's target prompts a cautious stance. The SEP's slight adjustments to the core PCE inflation estimates suggest a watchful eye on inflationary pressures, with the Fed emphasizing the need for consistent progress towards the inflation target before contemplating rate adjustments.
  • Labor Market Resilience: The labor market remains a beacon of strength, with unemployment rates staying low (though ticking up ever so slightly) and job gains described as strong. This resilience, coupled with a slow normalization of other labor metrics, indicates a less immediate need for aggressive rate cuts, aligning with the broader strategy of maintaining economic stability.

So, what are investors to do?

When reviewing your bond portfolios, we consider some of the following:

  • Navigating "Higher for Longer" Interest Rates: Investors in bonds and other fixed income investments are at a pivotal juncture, facing a landscape shaped by stable yet cautious interest rate policies. The Federal Reserve's balanced approach, informed by solid economic growth and sticky inflation, necessitates a reevaluation, but not necessarily a change, of investment strategies in the bond market.
  • Adjusting to Economic Projections: The SEP's nuanced adjustments reflect an evolving Fed perspective on long-term inflation and economic growth prospects. For fixed income investors, this translates into a strategic recalibration, considering the potential for gradual rate cuts and the implications for yield dynamics.
  • Global Economic Interactions: With global monetary policies also in flux, such as the Bank of Japan's stance shift and developments in the UK and Europe, the interconnectedness of financial markets demands a vigilant approach. Treasury and other US based bond yields and investment strategies may be influenced, not only by Fed decisions, by a tapestry of international monetary decisions, requiring a broadened perspective.
  • Investment Considerations in a Balanced Economic Landscape: The narrative shift from anticipated dramatic rate cuts to a more measured, few-cuts scenario underscores the importance of adaptability. Investors must remain agile, leveraging insights from the Federal Reserve's projections and market dynamics to navigate bonds effectively.


Cash yields seem ok for a while longer and so does our credit or high yield bond exposure as well as intermediate and longer-term bonds. That’s right, for the right reasons, we at Members’ Wealth like all of the various portions of the interest rate curve.  

As we digest the Federal Reserve's latest meeting outcomes and projections, the path forward for investors, especially those engaged with US based cash, fixed income or bonds, involves a nuanced understanding of interest rate policies, economic growth, and inflation dynamics. At Members’ Wealth, in a landscape marked by "higher for longer" interest rates and a cautiously optimistic economic outlook, strategic investment decisions are paramount and very much client specific. Balancing the pursuit of yield against evolving market conditions requires a keen understanding of the broader economic narrative and its implications for financial markets. Armed with these insights, we are positioned to help investors navigate the complexities of today's investment environment, enjoy their porridge a while longer, but keep an eye out for Grandpa bear. Wait. There was a grandpa bear in the story?

About the Author – Dane Czaplicki, CFA®

Dane Czaplicki is CEO of Members’ Wealth, a boutique wealth management firm that offers a comprehensive approach to serving individuals, families, business owners, and institutions. The firm’s goal is to preserve and grow its clients’ wealth to endure over time, while thoughtfully evolving its strategy to suit an ever-changing world. With over 20 years of wealth management experience, Dane and the Members' Wealth team thrive on bringing clarity and confidence to clients' unique situations. He believes everyone needs sound financial advice from someone whose interests are aligned with theirs, and is determined to put service before all else.

Dane received his MBA from The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and his bachelor’s degree from Bloomsburg University. Outside work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, hiking and camping, reading, running, and playing with his dog. To learn more about Dane, connect with him on LinkedIn.

To get in touch with the Members’ Wealth team today, I invite you to email info@memberswealthllc.com or call (267) 367-5453. 

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Investment advisory services are offered through Members’ Wealth, LLC., a Registered Investment Advisory Firm. Registration with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training. We are an independent advisory firm helping individuals achieve their financial needs and goals. Members’ Wealth does not provide legal, accounting or tax advice. Please consult your tax or legal advisors before taking any action that may have tax consequences. This commentary reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of the Members’ Wealth, LLC employees providing such comments, and should not be regarded as a description of advisory services provided by Members’ Wealth, LLC or performance returns of any Members’ Wealth, LLC client. The views reflected in the commentary are subject to change at any time without notice. Nothing in this commentary constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. Any mention of a particular security and related performance data is not a recommendation to buy or sell that security. Members’ Wealth, LLC manages its clients’ accounts using a variety of investment techniques and strategies, which are not necessarily discussed in the commentary. Investments in securities involve the risk of loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future results

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