Members' Wealth | Our Insights

Members’ Wealth Credo

Written by Dane Czaplicki | Feb 21, 2023

Credo - a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.

While at business school, I had the great pleasure of hearing Alex Gorsky, then CEO of Johnson & Johnson and a fellow Wharton Business School Alumni, speak to our class. The room was small, the venue intimate and he came along with his wife who also spoke. While there are many things they spoke to us about that day, two particular items resonated and became part of my collective consciousness – the first – Nothing good happens after 10 PM, nor two beers. If I recall correctly, they were words that rang true to him as spoken to him by his father. Sound advice for sure. The second was his comment regarding the J&J credo. I was not aware of the credo, so I went and looked it up. And recently I reworked the J&J credo to fit Members’ Wealth because ever since, my undergrad years as a biology major, when I heard the phrase from Isaac Newton: "if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." 1 I have followed the idea that for humans to continue to achieve great things we must build on the great achievements of those that came before us. The balance between client, employee and shareholder resonated with me deeply and became the foundation for the Members’ Wealth Credo. 

At Members’ Wealth, our responsibility is to our clients and employees. It is our belief that an inclusive and diverse community will lead to our greatest success.

Clients always come first. In meeting client needs, we must strive to provide quality, value, and maintain reasonable prices. In putting clients first, Members’ Wealth will grow through client referral.

Members’ Wealth is also responsible to our employees. We must provide an inclusive work environment where each person must be considered as an individual. They must have a sense of security, fulfillment, and purpose in their jobs. Compensation must be fair and adequate, with equal opportunity for employment, development, and advancement for those qualified.

We must support the health and well-being of our employees and help them fulfill their family and other personal responsibilities. Employees must feel free to make suggestions and critiques. Mistakes are encouraged, transparency required. We must provide highly capable leaders and their actions must be just and ethical. Freedom and Responsibility should be foremost for all employees.

Our final responsibility is to the business. A business should be profitable and built upon a foundation from which the organization can endure all environments and evolve to maintain an industry leadership position.

At Members’ Wealth, we will work to preserve these beliefs for all throughout time.

And so it goes, we must see to it, that all stakeholders at Members’ Wealth are treated fairly and in accordance to the Members’ Credo,


1 This concept has been dated to the 12th century and, according to John of Salisbury, is attributed to Bernard of Chartres. But its most familiar and popular expression occurs in a 1675 letter by Isaac Newton: "if I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."[3]


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