Our Insights

Happy New Year and Happy New Company!

We are excited to have your first Members’ Minute post coincide with the New Year. May this be the first post of many, and we hope that you will follow us on our journey. Members’ Minutes are our weekly post and the aim is to be informative but short and to the point.

With the holiday season winding down, we at Members’ Wealth wanted to take the time to thank those who were part of our success. 2022 was a milestone year for sure. Milestone 0. Is there a milestone at mile 0? Well, there should be! Having done a lot of long-distance hiking and running, I understand any journey no matter how long and arduous starts with the first step. You cannot finish what you do not start. We are firm believers that “life is a journey, not a destination”1 and that the beginning and end hold less meaning than the actual journey. In this case, it was the start of this journey where I have to give so many thanks for without the help of so many, we would have never even taken the first step. To everyone that has helped to make Members' Wealth possible, Thank You!

And of course, thank you to my wonderful family for your support and patience, life would not be with same without you. I love you.

But most of all, in loving memory of my father, Fran Czaplicki. He passed peacefully this December at the age of 71. There are not enough words for me to capture his importance and love in my life. Dad I will live each day forward as you taught me to live them, with love and respect for others and with the mantra that the harder we work, the better we feel at the end of the day. So, work really, really hard. I love you and dedicate all my hard work from this day forward to you. Rest in peace.

We look forward to thanking everyone next year for the additional milestones you help us reach on the continuation of our journey.

From all of us at Members’ Wealth - May everyone have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023!

1 This quote was on a poster on the wall of my high school (go Jags) right next to the payphone-remember them? - where I would call to get a ride each day. I must have read it 1000 times.