Members' Wealth | Our Insights

A Name Without Meaning is a Name. A Name With Meaning is a Brand.

Written by Dane Czaplicki | Jan 23, 2023

My wife Katie and I knew immediately that we wanted to name our first child Samantha. We are not sure where the name came from, why we wanted the name, nor did it have any special meaning behind it. The name just made sense to us. We knew it was our daughter who would bring the name meaning. Good thing we had a girl because there was no agreement on a backup plan. And sorry Della (Katie’s grandmother), Samantha is not an Italian name.

In contrast, when it came to naming our wealth management firm, the founders knew immediately what we wanted the name to represent but did not have a name that fit our high ideals. And like the disappointment of Samantha not being an Italian name for ol’ Della, we faced many opinions regarding our various names, versions and iterations. Not to mention you have to throw in consideration for trademark violations, subtle what could be conceived other meanings by regulators, etc etc. However, with all this scrutiny and blending of high ideals, a very purposeful name can be born. So, unlike my inability to support the meaning behind Samantha, the Members’ Wealth name, logo and byline all have meaning.

“To be a Member….When we are part of something, we feel like we are at our best. When we add an apostrophe, we start to strengthen the meaning of our mission by showing that even though we are part of the whole, it shows that the whole is ours”1


We, the Founding Members of Members’ Wealth, together form a company that is greater than the sum of the parts to bring high levels of service to our clients. Individually we can go fast, but together we can go far for our individual, family and business clients. And as we grow we seek to add additional members that will help improve the client experience.


“I’m an apostrophe. I’m just a symbol to remind you that there’s more to see”

Whatever It Takes – Imagine Dragons


Name and apostrophe in place, we turned to the development of the logo – what could go wrong? How could logo development be harder than naming your child and your company.




1 ...So when I asked Tim Thomas, one our co-Founding Members, to help me “find the words” regarding Members’, succinctly he fired back…”this is the first thing that popped out of my mind…”

Advisory services are offered through CS Planning Corp., an SEC registered investment advisor.