Members' Wealth | Our Insights

A Concert with My Daughter

Written by Dane Czaplicki | Sep 09, 2024



Bridging Generations Through Pearl Jam: A Concert with My Daughter

I’ve lost count of how many Pearl Jam concerts I’ve been to—dozens, maybe more. Each one marked a different phase in my life, shared with different people, in different places. But this past weekend felt special in a way I never could have imagined. I got to experience it with my daughter, Kai.

Kai’s love for 90s music, including Pearl Jam, emerged a few years back. It reminded me of my teenage years when I discovered bands from the 60s and 70s and shared those moments with my dad. Back then, it was vinyl records—my dad and I would spend hours listening to those albums. Today, it’s different; Kai consumes her music through an endless stream of apps like Spotify. The medium may have changed, but the connection between generations remains the same. Music bridges the gap between us, spanning age and time through shared meaning and timeless beats.

Pearl Jam has always held a special place for me. I’m not sure if it’s because they were my first CD (not my first music collection—I had plenty of tapes before that), but there was something transformative about that moment. A new era had arrived, and with it, my love for grunge and alternative rock in the 90s. Fittingly, Ten, Pearl Jam’s debut album, came out on my 14th birthday—August 27, 1991. When Kai was 14, she attended her first Pearl Jam concert. The symmetry of that moment wasn’t lost on me.

Live concerts hold their own magic. I’ve heard old favorites, discovered new songs, and stood in awe of the thousands of fans who, like me, have followed the band across the years. This weekend, I saw a beautiful mix of old-timers and parent-child pairs, sharing a night of music under the glow of a double rainbow on the way into the venue.

Pearl Jam can never play a perfect concert for me because my list of favorite songs is too long. My friends and I once attempted to narrow it down—March Madness bracket style, starting with over 200 songs. I dropped out in the round of 32. Trying to pick a number one was like asking a parent to choose their favorite child.

This weekend, we were treated to “Rearviewmirror,” a song about leaving the past behind. It reminded me of an important life lesson I want to pass on to Kai: Make mistakes, learn, and grow. Don’t dwell on regrets, just move forward.

This weekend was a profound reminder of my core values: GROW—Growth, Relationships, and Wanderlust.

I grew as a person by diving deeper into the music I’ve loved for decades. I found new meanings in lyrics I once sang carelessly. Relationships? Well, there’s no need to explain how special this experience was with Kai. And of course, Wanderlust. Before the show, we wandered the streets of South Street together—Kai’s first time, my first time with her. We wandered in and out of random shops, letting curiosity guide us. Lorenzo's for a slice…some record stores…some posters. And no Kai it would not be a good idea to get matching tattoos. No plan, no destination. We simply chose a spot and went. Even at the venue, we wandered across generations of fans, taking it all in, talking to other Pearl Jam fans, feeling the collective excitement of the night.

Music connects us across generations. It bridges the gap between parent and child, between past and present. For Kai and me, this concert was more than just a show—it was a moment to reflect, connect, and grow.

Speaking of growing…I even got to work in a lesson about ticket prices, inflation, and corporate monopolies. I told her how Pearl Jam tried to fight Ticketmaster in the 90s. Who won she asked…then I showed her the ticket price….I explained, that while it is great to be young and idealistic, you might want to still put some money aside with the capitalists…to help pay for those ideals later in life…Balance Kai. Balance.


About the Author – Dane Czaplicki, CFA®

Dane Czaplicki is CEO of Members’ Wealth, a boutique wealth management firm that offers a comprehensive approach to serving individuals, families, business owners, and institutions. The firm’s goal is to preserve and grow its clients’ wealth to endure over time, while thoughtfully evolving its strategy to suit an ever-changing world. With over 20 years of wealth management experience, Dane and the Members' Wealth team thrive on bringing clarity and confidence to clients' unique situations. He believes everyone needs sound financial advice from someone whose interests are aligned with theirs, and is determined to put service before all else.

Dane received his MBA from The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and his bachelor’s degree from Bloomsburg University. Outside work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, hiking and camping, reading, running, and playing with his dog. To learn more about Dane, connect with him on LinkedIn.

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